What Inspires Me as a Fine Art Photographer

Many things inspire my fine art photography, and one of those things is a beautiful game called Dungeons and Dragons. It is more than just a game; there are so many things to consider when playing that it becomes a hobby. Some are just players going through the game with the Dungeon Master’s guidance. There are the Dungeon Masters, who create the magical world their players roleplay in, creating perfect moments for roleplay and character development with bits of combat. Then there are people like me who want to cosplay as their character, who love the world-building and every little aspect of the game.

I would love to have the cosplay of my character someday, but I have recently done a session with a friend who cosplayed as her character. Her character is a half-human, half-dragonborn, rogue and barbarian; if you’re having trouble visualizing that, imagine a human-looking figure with scales on parts of their body that can be sneaky but also very scary.

When I do these sessions, I could put them under fine art portrait photography because you want the illusion that it is an actual fictional character brought to life. So here are a few photos from our session; we had a perfect time, and I love these photos!

If you want to learn more about Dungeons and Dragons, check out this site; that is a great resource to get started! https://www.dndbeyond.com/


My School Portfolio


My Process for a Session